Check This Out: Gemini Rue

February 21st, 2011video games

I’ve been following the development of Joshua Nuernberger’s Gemini Rue for a while. I first heard about the game a couple months ago and, as a fan of point-and-click adventure games of days past, I was pulled in by the retro graphics and the promise of a compelling noir-soaked narrative. Previews and early reports dropped names like Beneath a Steel Sky* and Westwood Studios’ Blade Runner when talking about it. So when Dave Gilbert posted on the Wadjet Eye GamesTwitter account he was looking for a fistful of beta testers for the demo, I couldn’t throw my hat into the ring quick enough.

I downloaded the demo and got playing immediately. Over the course of a half-hour, I was pulled into a noir-cyberpunk world of addiction, oppression, interstellar travel, imprisonment, brain wipes, and lots and lots of rain—all centered on Azriel Odin, a cop with a shadowy past, and Delta-Six, the subject of clandestine experiments only hinted at in the demo.

As someone who has played hundreds of games over the past twenty-five years, it takes something special to suck me in. Gemini Rue had me within a few clicks and the demo stopped on a great hook. I knew the end was near but was hoping I’d get to play just a little bit more. When the game comes out on Thursday, I will.

If you’re a fan of old school adventure games—or just like great games—give the Gemini Rue demo a try when it comes out. If you like it, pick up the game when it launches on February 24th. (If you want it on disc, that’s only available through pre-order so hop to it. You’ll get the download copy as well so you won’t have to wait unless you want to. I’ve already ordered my copy.)

As you’re checking out the Wadjet Eye Games website, put your eyes on Erin Robinson‘s Puzzle Bots and Dave Gilbert’s own Emerald City Confidential as well.

If you try out any of those games, I’d love to hear what you think. For more about Gemini Rue, check out the official trailer below.

*Click that Beneath a Steel Sky link. Seriously. You can grab a legal copy for free from the folks at Good Old Games and it’s worth a whole lot more than that. Sadly, Blade Runner is over a decade out of print but if you have a chance to snag a copy, I highly recommend it.

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Conduit 2 Gets a Release Date

December 21st, 2010news, video games

The Wii-exclusive FPS Conduit 2, published by Sega and developed by the great folks at High Voltage Software, is coming at you soon! reports the shooter has a North American release date of February 15, 2011. That’s 02.15.2011. Nice!

As you may remember, I spent most of my summer developing the story and script for Conduit 2. It’s been a while since I’ve seen what High Voltage has been doing first-hand but I’m excited for its release. I hope you all check it out when it hits the shelves.

For a peek at the game’s intro, check out the trailer Sega released on Thanksgiving weekend:

(Video embedded from my favorite video game website

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Conduit 2: New Trailer & Release Date

October 18th, 2010video games

High Voltage has been nose-down on Conduit 2 for a while now and the stuff I saw over the summer looked great. But now there’s a newly released trailer showing off their hard work and a release date came along with it! Seems Conduit 2 is slated for February 2011 (just in time for Valentine’s Day?) and I can’t wait for you all to check it out.

You can watch the trailer below (embedded from my favorite video game website, Giant Bomb).

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Death of a PlayStation

October 13th, 2010essays, video games

I awoke Sunday morning to some terrible news: My PlayStation 2 was dead. Some kids were playing around and one of them, a friend of my daughter, had accidentally stepped on the disc tray, shattering it. As far as I can tell, it’s irreparable or, rather, it would cost more to replace the drive than replace the whole system. The culprit confessed and seemed genuinely sorry (or perhaps just scared of being punished) and, upset though I was, I accepted the apology and sent her off to play.

It wasn’t the loss of the physical product that saddened me. Sure, I still have a stack of unplayed PS2 games but I can buy a replacement PS2 on the cheap. What I mourn is what the PlayStation 2 meant to me.

I bought it at the beginning of Fall 2005. My wife, daughter, and I had moved from Cleveland, Ohio to Madison, Wisconsin for a job with video game developer Human Head Studios the year before. The move was not without considerable expense with us balancing rent here with mortgage there until our house finally sold that August. Moving away from friends and family was also a big deal. The sense of separation and the strained budget took its toll on us but we managed best we could. I was following a dream and that’s not always the easiest thing to do.

I had fallen out of video gaming for a couple years prior to the move. I got into gaming in the mid-80s with the 2600 and continued to game through every generation up to the original PlayStation. I loved video games and was passionate about them through my formative years up until my early twenties. But when the PS2, Dreamcast, and GameCube war began, I mostly sat it out. I picked up a GameCube midway through the generation but only had a handful of games for it. I took on other interests, leaving video gaming mostly on the shelf. But the job at Human Head, being surrounded by video game development and chatter, reignited that passion and I poked my head into the scene once again.

I remember coming into the office one night and sitting down to the office Xbox. I fumbled my way through some Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Destroy All Humans! and managed not to do too horribly for an hour or so. That little taste was enough; I was hooked. I wanted to get back into gaming and that right now. But we didn’t have the money for a new console alone much less the memory card, extra controller, and, y’know, games that come along with it. My wife had already sacrificed enough uprooting her life for my career, much less the strain we were still under, for me to push too hard for one.

That September though, a few weeks after the house sold and nine months into our new lives as Madisonians, I mentioned wanting a game system to my wife over a meal at the local mall food court, a sad attempt at a gambit as ever there was.

“How much do they cost?”

“About $200. Less if you buy it used.”

“Well, let’s take a look.”

I didn’t question it.

We walked over to the GameStop and started piecing and pricing the options. I had spent a lot of time watching G4 and reading online reviews. I knew I wanted a PlayStation 2. I had a mental list of the games I wanted to get along with it. It was late in the current generation so there were a lot of great titles to choose from. The store was running a 2-for-1 used sale and I took advantage of it, amassing a fine starter kit. I added it all up together and it came to about $200. There were probably better ways to spend that money but my wife didn’t flinch. She put her hand on my arm and smiled. “Get it.”

I walked out of that store with the biggest, dumbest grin on my face. I knew it was a sacrifice for me to get this, and I knew this meant my wife supported this new leg of my life’s journey to the fullest. As funny as it may sound, I have never been more grateful for any gift I’ve ever received in my life.

In the years since that purchase, I’ve caught up with the video game scene. I stay current on new titles, what’s in development, what’s happening with studios (especially since I have many good friends spread throughout them), and what trends are shaping the industry. That PlayStation 2, bought used five years ago, was the beginning of a journey that has led down some interesting paths and allowed me to land some great jobs in the video game industry. It’s allowed me to start crafting the life and career I’ve wanted.

It was also a symbol of my wife’s belief in me and investment in my crazy dream. And though that belief and investment are still there, more now than ever, the symbol is gone. And that’s what I mourn.

Goodbye, PlayStation 2. You weren’t always mine but you treated me like I was the only one in the world. You were always there for me, ready to do battle against overwhelming odds, topple screen-filling giants, belt out bar standards, jam on a plastic guitar, or just relax with some falling blocks and rolling balls. Thank you for the good times then and even better times to come.


Conduit 2 Box Art Revealed!

August 1st, 2010news, video games

I really enjoyed my time on Conduit 2 working with the great folks at High Voltage Software. While I can’t share much about the game, I am very happy that Sega has released the cover art for it, which I think looks beautiful and will really stick out on the shelves.

The game is already in great shape and I know the team is hard at work making Conduit 2 the must-have shooter for the Wii. I hope you’ll check it out when it’s released.

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I’m Writing CONDUIT 2

June 17th, 2010news, video games

Which I knew. But it wasn’t general knowledge until this morning when developer High Voltage Software revealed the fact at a closed-doors presentation that included the Wii-exclusive FPS amongst its other titles. has the brief here, if you want to read it.

(To clarify two points in the article: I did rewrites and dialogue revision on PREY and I wrote a full script for BORDERLANDS but that was prior to the game’s reimagining.)

I’m psyched! The team at High Voltage has been a dream to work with and I’ve made contacts and connections there that extend beyond the project. I look forward to hearing what folks think about the game when it ships.

“Blair’s writing this? Woohoo!”


Onward to Adventure!

May 27th, 2010news, video games

I’m a big fan of games, no matter their stripe, but I have a particular fondness for point-and-click adventure games such as the Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango, the Gabriel Knight trilogy, and others. And as much as I’m not into world or political history, I am very much into the history of games, often losing hours of my life in the serpentine jungles of Wikipedia and Google, digging up information on whatever game or company is currently occupying the obsessive cycles of my brain.

One of my current interests is the long and tentacular history of one of adventure gaming’s pillars, Sierra On-Line, from its founding in 1979 to the infamous Chainsaw Monday 20 years later. It’s a heckuva history to untangle but it’s been fascinating.

Downloadable games site is helping to fill in some of the lacunae in my mental database with these articles about the history of Sierra’s signature games series, King’s Quest.

The second article was just posted and I’ll be digging into it this afternoon.

Here’s the first part.

Here’s the second one.

While you’re at, be sure to pick up some of the great games they have in their catalogue. I especially recommend Syberia I and Syberia II, the Tex Murphy games, and the absolutely free Beneath a Steel Sky (and they have the previously mentioned Gabriel Knight trilogy which is a top series). If the articles piqued your interest, you can pick up the King’s Quest 4, 5, and 6 bundle for just $9.99.

And those are just some of the point-and-click adventure titles, they have plenty of other great games and game genres as well (including the criminally-overlooked Beyond Good & Evil).

In other news, work continues apace on the current gig. I am truly blessed to be working with such great people. I love the job and the studio and I’ll say more when I can (which will likely be very soon). Until then, take care.

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Hear Me on Chronic Rift

March 23rd, 2010video games

John S. Drew and the other good folks at the Chronic Rift podcast invited me to appear on their podcast as a member of a roundtable discussion on “Science Fiction and Fantasy in Video Games.” Geek Radio Daily‘s Billy Flynn was the other guest, and I had a blast talking about everything from the world’s best version of Pac-Man (it’s Assassin’s Creed) to how games are made, why they sell, and whether games without dialogue are bona fide hits.

Hear me babble about digital fun in Episode 76 of the Chronic Rift podcast.

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Article up at GamePlayWright

March 10th, 2010essays, video games

I had been anticipating the PS3 title Heavy Rain for years. When Sony released the game on February 23rd, I tore through it, posting reactions to the experience on my Twitter account. These ravings caught Jeff Tidball’s attention and he asked if I’d my impressions up for GamePlayWright, the site that he and Will Hindmarch run.

I agreed without hesitation.

Even if you’ve no interest in video games particularly, if you’re a fan of story and wonder how we can grow it as storytellers and game designers, I urge you check out the article, which just went live:

“Dancing in the Puddles of Heavy Rain”


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© 2010-2013 Jason L Blair except, y'know, stuff that belongs to other folks.